Sunday, December 2, 2012

Shopsins and Beurre & Sel

Geez, what is wrong with me?  (Okay - that's a loaded question!) I think it has been over six months since I last visited Shopsins.  Where have I been?  What have I been eating?  Why was it not this?

The Mo Betta is still as good as it always is, with two dinner plate size mac 'n cheese pancakes sandwiching their ever so perfect scrambled eggs and a gorgeous cluster of maple glazed bacon.

What's sad is that the Mo Betta 2 is no longer a menu option. Sure, the maple glazed bacon is pretty freakin' delicious, but the maple glazed pork sausage was just as tasty - a direct link to my heart.  (Oooh yeah - gonna get a pun in every post from now on!)

On this visit, I checked out one of the many growing slutty cake options.  The best way I can describe a slutty cake is a beautifully stuffed pancake.

The original slutty cake featured pumpkin puree, pistachios, cinnamon and peanut butter.  It was good.

But this one was great!

The Egypt slutty cake features banana, chocolate chips, marshmallow fluff and plenty of hot, gooshy peanut butter.  In other words, a ridiculous, velvety, rich mouthful of heaven.  I didn't even bother sharing this with anyone.  It all went down my hatch !

After, Heather and I checked out a new shop at the Essex Street Market, Beurre & Sel, a little cookie shop from baker extraordinaire, Dorie Greenspan and her son (pictured below).

The shop is more of a tiny alcove, with an assortment of cookies layed out on cold marble.  On the side (not pictured) are tiny canisters of smaller, savory cookies.  I couldn't even turn my camera to snap a shot of those.  I just kept staring at these.

The cookie varieties (from left to right) included sugared shortbread, lime and coconut, chocolate chunk, blueberry crumble, world peace (the dark chocolate), a blondie cookie and a chocolate cherry nut cookie concoction that I knew I had to have.

The cherry chocolate nut cookie thing was a dense puck of textural deliciousness.  There was a tart chewy thang goin' on, some crunchitycrunch from the nuts and crisp shell, and all that flavor enrobed with a slightly bitter chocolate.  (Uhm. So good.)

It's also hard to turn down a cookie called World Peace.  Who wouldn't support somethin' like that?  And you know what - World Peace tastes good - like bittersweet chocolate touched by sea salt.

Han's Nonsensical Rating: The combination of Shopsins and Beurre & Sel make a most devilish duo, worth selling at least half your soul for (what were you planning to use that half for anyway? Am I right or am I right?).

Beurre & Sel
120 Essex St
New York, NY
Shopsin's General Store on UrbanspoonBeurre & Sel on Urbanspoon


  1. gahhhhhh i love how the cookies look like UFOs!! nom nom nom...

  2. I really wonder what she was thinking with those puck-shaped cookies. I love the novelty, but they automatically seem . . . stale? . . . to me.

    Can you believe I've never been to Shopsin's? We were going to go last week, actually, forgetting that they're only open for daylight hours. Thank god we didn't go so I could see the picture of the Egypt cake and know exactly what to order.

    1. You know, I thought the exact same thing about the cookies, but somehow it works ! It's a prime example to not judge a book by its cover (what can be said by Shopsins venue also :)
